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I'm fairly new to RS and simply wondered what quests are good for people my level? I don't wish to make this post too long or a list, but I ...
There does seem to be an emphasis on customization for MyTeam this season: now you can select different ability paths for your evolution car...
In 40 You are able to perform Brimhaven (I hate it and it's annoying) or you may go till 52 in Barb. Until 52 it's going to be HELL. You wil...
Franchise is neglected so they can develop another arcade style they could profit on. Just give somebody else simulation and let madden crea...
I got desynced when and once match reconnected it warped me next to you, haha. I left it out but damn that was terrifying. Was nearly down i...
Once protecting the towers, weapons are deployed and need to be protected to breach the castle in the opposite end of the field. Once it's b...
For fifth straight year, the developers have substituted the shooting mechanisms. Why ?? Why to repair something that's not broken? The NBA2...
It is not the ideal Madden. It's not the worst Madden. After over a dozen years of writing about the soccer series, I know it never is. The ...
But does this help or hinder this match? Personally, I find almost all of them rather tedious to do, particularly if I feel obliged to do th...
You mean on protection? It's like that in 2k20 too though playing park in 20 you'll still have people sit at the paint for 20 minutes on def...
Jump-shooting and completing will also receive a revamp with the newest Pro Stick upgrade. Shot Stick Aiming, from NBA 2K17, will make a com...
A player runs around us and asks for food. He was hoping to complete Dragon Slayer. Someone on the pier fished/cooked 22 lobsters because of...