They roam through the Wilderness, sometimes stalking alone and sometimes hunting in packs, so you'd better keep a watchful eye out for them while you are sojourning in that barren land. The revenants' lethal powers include the ability to'steal' players from combat against other monsters - even in single-way combat zones. Beyond that, they can heal themselves and cure themselves of poison a restricted number of occasions. If you find a revenant approaching, you would better run for your life or prepare for a seriously challenging fight.
The revenants sometimes fall coins, offering the opportunity of greater rewards depending on their Combat level, and some of these (on participants' worlds) may even fall precious runes, dragon daggers or clue scrolls. If you realize that a revenant has blocked you from teleporting, then it is going to endure for five minutes, or until you leave the Wilderness. Note: Irrespective of the type of revenant you are fighting, you do not require a Slayer level to kill them.
Many individuals, when doing level 3 clues from the wilderness, saw Pkers. Most of the time, the Pkers only let the clue person go, as they had nothing of value. We must mimic this by Revenants, by doing this: Creating a small percentage of the present Revenants"Angry", because their god did not succeed in the god wars. All these"Angry" Revenants will attack players regardless of what they're carrying. Normal revenants simply will not attack other players because they don't have any interest in the things that clue carriers need to give to their own gods.
As soon as you receive your reward, however, all revenants will be able to strike you, same as a pker after you got your third era with that clue. Note Well that you must have a hint, Sextant, Watch and graph in your inventory to be identified as a hint carrier. The Spade and also a Weapon would be the only other things you may have on you: Anything else leads to all revenants assaulting you.
Most Pkers didn't venture out into the wildy with Mage, Melee, and Range gear at the exact same time. However, Revenants are able to do precisely that. To make it fairer on players, Revenants ought to be allocated a combat style the majority of the time. Lone Revenants may have 2 or 3 Combat fashions, like solo pkers. Revenants that travel in groups will have a single battle style, which Isn't biased, like clans.
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