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Dark and Darker update makes players rich | ChefPlex

Dish & Stemware Storage United States
$ 12.00
  • August 30, 2023
  • August 30, 2023


Dark and Darker update makes players rich, increasing rare loot drops

Ironmace recently released its debut RPG Dark and Darker, and the indie development studio has been hard at work on a second hotfix patch.

Dark and Darker update: A man wearing silver heavy armor and a helmet wields a torch, walking beside a woman

Dark and Darker recently released in early access, much to excited fans’ surprise. Now that Ironmace’s highly anticipated RPG game is available to play, the developer has worked diligently to release the second Dark and Darker update, another hotfix patch that fixes various bugs and makes gameplay a bit more rewarding.

From improvements to the anti-hack system for an experience less afflicted by griefing to an increase in items sold by merchants, the new Dark and Darker hotfix brings a few different changes to improve the game’s early access state. Loot drop rates have also been adjusted, as has the rarity of such loot. It’s important to remember that any Dark and Darker gold exploit remains punishable. Hopefully, this update makes such cheats less appealing, anyway.

The developer also dropped an update with the Dark and Darker patch notes, advertising a weekend event. “High Roller Ante will temporarily be discounted from 100g to 50g for the next couple of days,” Ironmace writes.

You can find the full patch notes here on the official Dark and Darker Discord server courtesy of Ironmace, as well as the developer’s accompanying post.

Those are all of the Dark and Darker changes coming with its second hotfix since the early access launch.

If you enjoy playing Dark And Darker and would like to purchase Dark And Darker Gold, please visit