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It is still trying to realize its full potential Gua Musang | ChefPlex

Events Gua Musang, Kelantan, United States
  • August 17, 2021


The Madden games' story mode, Face of the Franchise, is among the most exciting new features. While the game has provided some fascinating ideas through the years, it is still trying to realize its full potential.

The most recent version has added the capability for players to make characters and play at both high school and college levels. But, it could be even more impressive than that, by allowing players to play full seasons on lower levels prior to jumping into what is essentially Franchise mode but with more narrative.

A few games ago, Franchise Mode's scenario engine was introduced to players. It was not very well-liked among fans. Some felt it was "boosts" disguised as crucial decisions that could impact the player's career. If executed properly, scenarios that players are forced to think twice about is an excellent feature. Rather than focus on rewarding players with stat perks, have it be that the choices influence how the season goes. The player could choose to reduce his amount of work, or to recover from an injury.

It's odd that offensive and defensive coordinators aren't a major subject of the team for quite a while. It would be great to have three fantastic coaches in one place. Besides that, Franchise Mode has a tendency to employ coaches who don't have any connection to or associated with the league. It would be better to have random people get assignments as coordinators and, should they succeed, raise them to the head coach position. It's a lot wiser than someone randomly chosen to be the head of the franchise with no previous experience.

NBA 2K offers a fun and exciting feature that is the possibility to create new teams and build a league around them. There is a feature in Madden that lets players relocate and change the name of teams in Franchise Mode, these locations as well as names are available to the player. Customization is fun, so why not implement the ability to create new football leagues? Allow players to create new leagues or divisions within the NFL. EA as well as the NFL should allow players be more creative.

If you want to know more about Madden 22, you can go to