Thanks! That's very helpful

The game's design is incredibly greedy and sloppy Bestmengqin | ChefPlex

Grilling Bestmengqin, Bestmengqin, United States
  • July 18, 2021


So in order to get these features, you must connect to the internet, which means you must play online. If your avatar isn't great in terms of stats, particularly without a real skill-based matchmaking system, it's going to be an unfun experience for players of all levels. This is why you want to spend money because of the abysmal video game experience you're enjoying.

The game's design is incredibly greedy and sloppy. The game is called a liar until you achieve high statistics, but after that, progress is slow and you are still terrible until you spend money to move on. MyCareer progress should be separated from Online gameplay. The developers must provide a more pleasant and smoother MyCareer experience.

They also need to provide more ways that the player can influence their MyCareer journey with them that can result in various results. The player can choose their background, which will give the league a unique intro.

Offering players ways to boost their statistics at the beginning such as mini-camp games that can boost your game or earn more points in the beginning. It could be that they are drafted lower in the draft if they did not play as well in the beginning.

Adding different types of feedback that don't only tell you that your average or the greatest ever. Other options include the ability to speak with people or select which endorsements to accept. Getting to buy different houses as you earn more and being able to add the ability to decorate to it.

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